
Sarah's Magical World

Sarah's Magical World

face of statue

Sarah lives in a mystical world of mythic proportions, where only the magic and mystery that surround her can rival the grandeur of the timeless desert landscape. An orphan, she lives with her aunt and uncle at the far eastern edge of Isalan, The City of Life, in the Kingdom of Serenia. Together they run a busy trading business that serves the many caravans entering and returning from the Great Desert. The colourful multi-culture of Isalan is the backdrop to many of her adventures, though as she grows into the young woman she is destined to be, they take her to the far reaches of the kingdom and beyond.

Myth and magic hold special significance to the people of Serenia, for in their time, such things were as real as history and science are to us. Myths were learned and shared in the tradition of teaching tales, and as such they helped people understand their past, offered useful explanations for things happening around them, and provided guidelines to live well and build good futures. And magic... well magic to the people of Serenia was an unseen force that tied the world together, and those versed in it's ways were either feared as sorcerers, or revered as healers. For Sarah, myths and magic are particularly important for both are powerfully tied to her destiny.

For Sarah, myths and magic are particularly important for both are powerfully tied to her destiny. She comes from a long line of healers and sorcerers, and even at her young age, she has already been training under her two aunts for years. What she will become, healer or sorcerer, is yet unclear.

Why not explore a little of Sarah’s world through the links provided?